Welcome to SBS College of Pharmacy, Mehal Kalan.

College Museum

The museum displays informative and well arranged shelves that showcase the latest dosage forms like syrups, tablets, capsules, eye drops, ointments, suppositories etc.. The museum also displays crude drugs obtained from natural sources like plants. Anatomical models, informative charts, specimens, photographs related to the field of pharmaceutical sciences also enrich the collection. Apart from the drugs, various models, permanent slides, herbarium sheets, assemblies and special equipments are also displayed in the museum.

The college has a museum which displays informative & wonderfully arranged drug display boards that showcase the latest allopathic and herbal formulations. Anatomical models, informative charts, specimens, photographs and news updates related to the field of pharmaceutical sciences also enrich the collection. The museum also includes drugs obtained from natural sources like plants, different dosage forms like syrups, tablets, capsules, eye drops, ointments, suppositories etc. Apart from the drugs, various models, permanent slides, herbarium sheets, assemblies and special equipments are also displayed in the museum. In our pharmacognosy section, we have various specimens of crude drugs, as of Cardamom, Liquorice, Fennel, Nutmeg, Ajowan, Black Catechu, Garlic, Amla, Kurchi, Coriander, Sandalwood, Rhubarb and many more. For the morphological studies we have samples of Medicinal plants of Sarsaparilla, Senna, gentian, Quassia, Saffron, Shatavari, Punarnava etc. The college has a museum which displays items from all disciplines of pharmacy like pharmaceutics, pharmacology, pharmacognosy. The exhibited pieces of the museum are also used as the part of the existing education program. It includes drugs obtained from natural sources like plants, different dosage forms like syrups, tablets, capsules, eye drops, ointments, suppositories etc. Apart from the drugs, various models, permanent slides, herbarium sheets, apparatus are also displayed in the museum.